Posts Tagged ‘Entropy’



Not sure if it’s worth really blogging about, but as it my putting the final nail in the casket of what once was Chaos I deleted him from my friends list last night, thus officially terminating any possible communication between us in the future. Ignoring the fact that he has my cell number. And my […]



Two posts in one day – insanity. It is with a heavy heart .. okay not heart, conscience?  No not that either .. a heavy sigh?  That’ll work. It’s with a heavy sigh that I write this entry, because it essentially capture the philosophical death of two people I’ve been somewhat associated with in the […]



Friday night saw me going on a date with a guy. I don’t really know how to put the entire affair into words, so I guess I’ll just start at the beginning. I rushed home after work, leaving late, to change outfits and get ready to run to the city for my big night.  I […]

Free Radicals


I’ve been having some weird dreams lately about a guy at work, namely about Avo.  God it’s been awhile since I’ve mentioned him, hasn’t it?  I think this is mainly because things with have been really platonic.  We talk, and he makes it a point to say hi to me every day, but it’s not […]



k: did I ever tell you how Chaos showed me some code he did awhile back? C: no you didnt k: yeah k: I got slightly turned on by it k: not by him k: by THE CODE C: haha C: what code was it? C: and thats awesome. k: just some visual basic involving […]

What would you say if I told you I had a boy’s phone number written across the back of my left hand? What if I told you it belonged to a boy from work? Or that it’s one I may have liked a bit, a good while ago? And that it’s one I may have […]



Tonight at work the following dialogue occurred: me:  *mid-conversation* … blah blah .. ooooh!  I see coffee girl:  *blinks as I shuffle away* me:  *stops next to the man and puts my arm around his shoulder, pulling him into a hug* well if it isn’t my favorite midnight shift supervisor! him:  *looks around*  Chaos (real […]

I should have seen it coming.  I knew I should have fucking seen this coming.  But I didn’t until I was knee-deep into it, and by then I was drunk and it was too late. In short form, Chao-ass started messaging on one of my faboo photos, which resulted in a dialogue between us that […]

The other day while driving to my parents’ house I heard something on the radio that reminded me of the video game guy from work.  You know, the one who gave me God of War 3?  We’ve been chatting quite a bit over the last few weeks with my being offshift so I’ve learned more […]

Lunar Cycles


As predictable as the moon, things always happen in a cyclical way for me.  In this context in naturally involves S.  We haven’t really talked much at all, period.  But being on his shift, for the first few days things stayed as they were.  As more days passed, our conversations got a bit longer.  Then […]